Teaching English to Buddhist Monks

A Fulfilling Volunteer Experience in Sri Lanka

Buddhist Monks English Teaching Volunteer Program

Teaching English to Buddhist Monks

Sri Lanka, known for its rich Buddhist heritage, offers a unique opportunity for volunteers to contribute to the education and personal growth of young monks through the Teaching Monks Program. This program allows volunteers to work at Pirivenas, educational institutions for Buddhist monks, and help them enhance their English language skills. In this article, we will explore the significance of this volunteer program, the role and responsibilities of volunteers, and the rewarding experience of teaching English to these enthusiastic young monks.

The Importance of English Education for Buddhist Monks

Buddhism, deeply ingrained in Sri Lankan culture, not only serves as a prominent religion but also influences the way of life for its people. For Buddhist monks, education is a vital aspect of their spiritual journey. Apart from studying Buddhist scriptures, they are exposed to a range of subjects such as Pali, Sanskrit, history, prosody, astrology, and logic. However, due to limited resources, these monks often lack the opportunity to polish their English language skills.

English has become a global language of communication and provides access to a wealth of knowledge and opportunities. By improving their English proficiency, these monks can connect with people from different cultures, expand their understanding of the world, and gain a broader perspective on Buddhism. As a volunteer in the Teaching Monks Program, you play a crucial role in helping these young monks bridge the language barrier and unlock new avenues for learning.

Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities

As a volunteer in the Buddhist Monks Teaching Project, your primary responsibility is to teach English to young monks in small to mid-sized groups. Although you may encounter other minor tasks, your main focus will be on facilitating English language learning. The following are key roles and responsibilities you will undertake:

1. Teaching English at a basic level

You will design and conduct English language lessons for the young monks, catering to their specific needs. By implementing interactive teaching methods, you can engage them in activities that enhance their speaking, reading, and writing skills.

2. Lesson planning and creativity

Collaborate with the teaching staff to plan lessons effectively. As a volunteer, you can bring fresh ideas and innovative teaching techniques to the classroom, making the learning experience enjoyable and productive for the monks.

3. Grammar sessions

Help the monks develop a strong foundation in English grammar. By incorporating grammar exercises and activities, you can make the learning process more structured and comprehensive.

4. Expanding knowledge horizons

Apart from language skills, encourage the monks to explore the world beyond their immediate surroundings. Introduce them to literature, current affairs, and other subjects to satiate their thirst for knowledge and broaden their perspectives.

5. Support and guidance

As a volunteer, you will serve as a mentor and guide for the young monks. Provide them with encouragement, motivation, and individual attention to help them overcome challenges and build confidence in their English language abilities.

Working Schedule and Weekends

The English teaching program for the Buddhist Monks Project runs from Monday to Friday, with classes scheduled from 9 am to 12 pm. Traveling to the Pirivena from the volunteer accommodation usually takes around 20 minutes by scooter. During the weekends, volunteers have the freedom to relax and unwind at the accommodation or explore the captivating sights of Sri Lanka.

Weekends present an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in Sri Lankan culture and explore the country's natural beauty. From the stunning beaches along the coastline to ancient temples and historical sites, Sri Lanka offers a diverse range of attractions. Engage in local traditions, sample delicious cuisine, and embark on adventures to create lasting memories during your volunteer experience.

The Rewarding Experience of Teaching Buddhist Monks

Volunteering in the Teaching Monks Program is a profoundly fulfilling experience on both personal and cultural levels. By imparting English language skills, you empower the young monks to communicate effectively in an increasingly interconnected world. Witnessing their progress and witnessing their enthusiasm for learning is incredibly rewarding.

Furthermore, the exchange of knowledge and ideas between volunteers and monks fosters a deep appreciation for different cultures and philosophies. You have the opportunity to learn about Buddhism, engage in spiritual discussions, and gain insights into the monastic way of life. This cross-cultural interaction creates a mutually enriching experience, broadening perspectives and promoting understanding.

Impact of the Teaching Monks Program

The Teaching Monks Program in Sri Lanka has a profound and lasting impact on both the participating volunteers and the young monks. Let's delve into the significant outcomes and benefits of this program:

1. Empowering the Monks

By improving their English language skills, the program equips the young monks with a valuable tool for communication and self-expression. English proficiency opens doors to educational opportunities, employment prospects, and the ability to engage with a global audience. The monks can share their teachings, wisdom, and insights with a broader community, spreading the message of Buddhism worldwide.

2. Enhancing Cultural Exchange

The program fosters cultural exchange between volunteers and the local community. Volunteers gain a deep understanding of Buddhism, Sri Lankan traditions, and the monastic way of life. In return, volunteers share their own cultures, perspectives, and knowledge with the monks, promoting mutual respect and understanding. This cross-cultural exchange creates lasting friendships and bridges cultural gaps.

3. Broadening Perspectives

The exposure to English language instruction and knowledge about the outer world expands the horizons of the young monks. They gain a broader perspective on different cultures, beliefs, and global issues. This exposure encourages critical thinking, tolerance, and acceptance, contributing to their personal growth and development as compassionate global citizens.

4. Building Confidence

Through patient guidance and support, volunteers help the young monks build confidence in their English language abilities. As their skills improve, the monks become more self-assured in their interactions with people from diverse backgrounds. Increased confidence enables them to share their spiritual teachings more effectively, engage in interfaith dialogues, and represent Buddhism on a broader platform.

5. Sustainable Impact

The impact of the Teaching Monks Program extends beyond the immediate teaching period. The English language skills acquired by the monks continue to benefit them throughout their lives. They can pursue further education, engage in research, or become effective communicators within their monastic communities. This sustainable impact ensures that the program's benefits endure well beyond the volunteer's departure.

6. Volunteer Personal Growth

The program offers a transformative experience for volunteers themselves. Immersed in the serene environment of the Pirivena, volunteers gain a deep appreciation for simplicity, mindfulness, and the pursuit of knowledge. Teaching English to the monks allows volunteers to develop their teaching skills, cross-cultural communication abilities, and adaptability in diverse environments. The experience fosters personal growth, compassion, and a broader understanding of the world.


The Teaching Monks Program in Sri Lanka is a powerful platform for volunteers to make a lasting impact on the educational and personal growth of young Buddhist monks. By teaching English, volunteers empower the monks with communication skills that transcend borders, fostering cultural exchange and broadening perspectives. The program not only benefits the monks but also enriches the lives of volunteers, offering an opportunity for personal growth and cross-cultural immersion. Together, volunteers and young monks create a meaningful connection that bridges cultural gaps and fosters a deeper understanding of Buddhism and the world.

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Teaching English to Buddhist Monks