Protecting Sri Lanka's Sea Turtles

A Transformative Volunteer Experience

Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation Volunteers

Protecting Sri Lanka's Sea Turtles

Sri Lanka, a country renowned for its rich biodiversity, is home to several species of sea turtles. Unfortunately, these majestic creatures are facing numerous threats, including habitat destruction, pollution, and poaching. The Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation Volunteer Program offers an extraordinary opportunity to contribute to the protection and rehabilitation of sea turtles while actively participating in community development projects. In this article, we will explore the background and significance of the Turtle Conservation Program, volunteer placement examples, and the roles and responsibilities of volunteers in safeguarding these remarkable marine creatures.

Background to the Turtle Conservation Program

Sri Lanka is blessed with an abundance of sea turtle species, including the Green Turtle, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Olive Ridley, and Leatherback. However, several of these species are critically endangered and on the brink of extinction due to hunting, habitat loss, and human activities. The Turtle Conservation Program aims to address these challenges by focusing on various conservation efforts.

One significant aspect of the program involves the rehabilitation and care of disabled turtles. Many of these turtles are found by local fishermen who bring them to the project site, located near the fishing ports. These injured turtles require ongoing support and rehabilitation to regain their strength and ability to survive in the wild.

Additionally, the program emphasizes raising awareness about the environmental impact of plastic pollution. The excessive use of plastic has led to a global crisis, with millions of microplastics polluting the oceans and posing a severe threat to marine life. The Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation Volunteers actively work towards mitigating this problem and promoting environmental consciousness.

Turtle Conservation Volunteer Placement Examples

1. Turtle Conservation Sanctuary

As a volunteer, you will contribute to the daily care and rehabilitation of disabled turtles in Galle. Your volunteer work will be scheduled from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and you will have the opportunity to return to the volunteer accommodation after your volunteering hours.

The long-term goal is to release healthy turtles back into the wild and protect turtle eggs from poachers. Throughout your placement, you will learn essential skills such as nest care, turtle identification, egg hatching, turtle treatment, and releasing turtles back into the sea. This placement offers a valuable opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of these remarkable creatures.

2. Beach Cleans

Female turtles only lay their eggs on beaches that are safe and clean. To encourage nesting, volunteers actively participate in cleaning the local beaches, removing litter and dangerous debris. With the increasing threat of climate change and plastic pollution, beach cleans play a crucial role in creating a safe environment for nesting turtles. The goal is to collect approximately 200 kilograms of rubbish from the beaches each day, and volunteers are instrumental in achieving this target.

3. Turtle Hatchery and Baby Turtle Release

Volunteers play a vital role in nesting, monitoring, and caring for turtle eggs brought to the hatchery. These eggs are often relocated from unsafe areas where they are at risk from human activities and poachers. The hatchery provides a secure environment for the eggs to hatch, ensuring the conservation of the species. Volunteers adhere to the guidelines set by the National Wildlife Department and assist in the release of baby turtles back into the wild.

Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities

As a turtle conservation volunteer in Sri Lanka, you will spend your days caring for rescued sea turtles at the project site. Your responsibilities will include

  • Daily feeding and preparing fresh food for the turtles.
  • Cleaning the project premises and nearby beach areas to maintain a safe and clean environment.
  • Taking care of the nesting area to ensure the successful hatching of eggs.
  • Participating in regular beach cleans and patrols to remove litter and debris.
  • Cleaning and refilling turtle tanks, ensuring the turtles have a healthy and suitable habitat.
  • Assisting with medication and providing necessary treatment to injured turtles.
  • Cleaning the shells of the turtles to maintain their hygiene and health.
  • Counting and safely burying turtle eggs to protect them from poachers and natural risks.
  • Designing educational boards to raise awareness about turtle conservation within the sanctuary.
  • Engaging in painting and drawing activities for information dissemination and animal welfare education.
  • Assisting in the release of hatched baby turtles into the sea, ensuring their safe transition into their natural habitat.

Each volunteer will work closely with the local staff, who will provide guidance and support in carrying out these responsibilities. Through teamwork and individual contributions, volunteers play a crucial role in protecting and rehabilitating sea turtles.

After finishing their volunteer work, volunteers in all programs will have the opportunity to visit world-famous beaches such as Unawatuna, Weligama, or even Mirissa, all of which are located within a short distance. The afternoons are free for volunteers to explore, relax, or engage in any activities they desire. It's important to note that all programs run from Monday to Friday.

Weekends and Free Time

The Turtle Conservation Program runs from Monday to Friday, allowing volunteers to have weekends free to relax, unwind, and explore the beauty of Sri Lanka. While you are welcome to spend time at the volunteer accommodation, many participants use this opportunity to travel and experience the diverse attractions of the country. Sri Lanka offers breathtaking landscapes, ancient temples, vibrant markets, and delicious cuisine, making it a captivating destination for exploration and cultural immersion.

Community Impact and Sustainable Volunteering

One significant aspect of the Turtle Conservation Program is that the program fees directly benefit the local community. Unlike some international organizations, the funds are channeled into local initiatives that support conservation efforts, promote education, and create opportunities for the community members. By volunteering in this program, you contribute to the sustainable development of the local community and actively participate in the conservation of Sri Lanka's precious marine life.


Joining the Sri Lanka Turtle Conservation Volunteer Program is an exceptional opportunity to protect and rehabilitate endangered sea turtles while engaging in community development projects. Through your dedicated efforts, you contribute to the care and rehabilitation of disabled turtles, clean beaches to create safe nesting environments, and participate in the release of baby turtles into the wild. This transformative volunteer experience allows you to make a tangible difference in the lives of these incredible creatures and promotes environmental awareness. Embrace the opportunity to safeguard Sri Lanka's sea turtles while immersing yourself in the natural beauty and rich culture of this captivating country.

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Protecting Sri Lanka's Sea Turtles